
SSC NY LLC is an independent, intentionally small, yet potent, systems integration company. Thus, we are not under contract to any one vendor and have no sales quotas. Our position in the market allows us to install the equipment and software you need to succeed.

SSC NY LLC operates on several basic principles:

Establish a Clear Objective:

Our number one goal is to provide you with better tools than you are currently using, with maximum efficiency and minimum cost.

Select, Install and Implement compatible hardware and software:

No matter what the project, whether it’s planning and installing a computer network, firewall, or VPN, you will be assured that we will have you functioning quickly with a smooth transition from your current methods of operation.

Arrange the proper Training:

No system is better than the people who use it. SSI utilizes various methods to help your staff become systems efficient in the shortest amount of time.

Establish On-Going Support:

At SSI we pride ourselves on staying current in this ever-changing market. Our education is never ending, thus, you receive the latest technology as it applies to your individual needs.
